2021 is fast coming to a close and before we know it 2022 will be upon us!It has been a huge 6 months, with many challenges thrown at us along the way, but through all of this we really must recognise all the amazing progress that has been happening at the Bandari Project.
So many great things have been happening and we can’t wait to share them with you!

COVID-19 Impact and Response
But first an update on the COVID-19 situation in Mto wa Mbu. The town has had a surge in covid cases recent months, and an increase in covid related deaths. We have been told that the American government has donated some vaccines, some of which have made their way to Mto wa Mbu, but unfortunately only 0.5% of the population in Tanzania is currently vaccinated.
We’ve been able to support the local hospital by raising funds to provide much needed PPE and medical supplies, and in addition to this the members of our Women’s Project have switched to sewing masks for students, staff and community members to help protect themselves.

The good news is, at school we have been making sure that teachers and students are following appropriate hygiene procedures to keep themselves safe.
We have been working hard to ensure there is no outbreak at the school. And while this is difficult, because isolation is not an option for those with low incomes here, we have been successful in ensuring there is no outbreak at the school, and no parents or children have contracted the virus.
If you would like to assist us in supporting the Mto wa Mbu community through these difficult times please get in touch HERE.

Our School is growing!
Look at this progress! This is our new dining hall and kitchen and it is by far the biggest and most ambitious building we’ve ever built.
It will soon be completed, and was funded by a very generous Bandari supporter. We were asked what we needed at Bandari? and we replied “a dining hall and kitchen!” and that’s how it started.
When completed the dining hall will seat all students when the school reaches capacity (approx. 160 students). It will also be a valuable resource for the local community, who will be able to use it for village meetings, celebrations, weddings and more!
The difference this will make at Bandari is HUGE!!! And we are so grateful for the special individual who helped make this happen.

Water is Life
Over 480,000 children, under the age of five, die annually from preventable water related diseases. In recent figures, one in nine people do not have access to clean water.
Access to water is one of our biggest challenges at the Bandari Project.
We’ve got a plan to address this, but we need your help.
Join us to make a difference and help raise the funds we need to buy water tanks which will help us to collect and store rain water.
We’ll be able to use this water for cooking and drinking for the children at the school, and will also be able to provide clean drinking water for the local community.
Click the link below to donate on our fundraising page, and thank you in advance for your support 💛
New classrooms too!
Rendering the walls, fitting the doors and windows, painting too. Our new classrooms are close to completion and will soon be ready to fill with 2022 Bandari students!
Click below if you’re interested in sponsoring one of our 2022 students.

Student Spotlight
“My name is Helena and I’m in standard three. I like to be at the Bandari Project because there are good teachers that love us and take care of us. I also like it because there are mathematics, sports and arts resources for us to use and play with.
I am learning how to speak English, and when I come to school I meet with my friends and we play together.”
We love providing our students with a bright and engaging classroom experience, incorporating many elements of Australian teaching methods whilst still following the Tanzanian curriculum. We thank our donors and sponsors so much for helping us to provide this!

We’ve had visitors
We were excited to welcome local organisation- Aqua-Farms, to the Bandari project in July.
As a part of one of their projects, they are visiting schools to distribute books which teach the traditional tales of Africa.
Their aim is to encourage passing these stories, and the African culture, from generation to generation. We were grateful to receive a donation of five Swahili story books for the students to enjoy.

Get to know- Rahida
Radhia is a seamstress and our sewing teacher for our women’s project.
Radhia says that being at Bandari has taught her many things and that she feels happy to belong to the Bandari family.
“Teaching girls in the sewing project has equipped me with more experience and confidence, I have also managed to take care of myself and my family through the salary I earn.”
We benefit just as much by having Radhia in our team. Thank you!

Have you heard?
The Bandari Sustainability Fund is a sub fund of the Australian Communities Foundation (ACF).
This Not For Profit Future Fund has been established to secure the longevity of funding for The Bandari Project as it grows. The income generated from the Fund’s investments will provide long-term sustainability for the project.
All donations are tax-deductible and the fund’s income is tax-exempt.

Women in Song
We were staying positive, and we were so hopeful our Women in Song event could go ahead, but unfortunately lockdown and restrictions made it impossible this yer.
We hope that 2022 will bring us more opportunities to fundraise in this way, but in the meantime we would like to thank everyone for your continued support and donations.

A unique gift for your favourite teacher
Last year our Teacher 4 Teacher sponsorship was a huge success, with teachers all around Australia receiving this precious gift from their students. We had some amazing feedback, with some teachers being moved to tears by the gift.
As we near the end of the year, we will again be giving you this same opportunity to show your teacher that you appreciate all they have done this year.
By making a donation on the behalf of your favourite teacher, you will give the gift of a quality education to vulnerable children in Tanzania. Showing your teacher that what they do is important, and that you wanted to give other children the same opportunity.
Click below if you think your teacher would love this gift this year!

Our farm
We’ve resumed our farm activities recently, and our newly planted lettuce and zucchini are thriving in the rich soil of the area.
We’ve also had many new additions- new calves, goats and pigs! Our farm is definitely growing and we’ll be able to use the produce from our farm to sell and help fund our project…it’s just one more step towards our goal of financial sustainability!
Thank you!
As you can see there has been so much happening at the Bandari Project, and we can’t thank you (our supporters!) enough for assisting us on this journey.
Each sponsorship, each donation- big or small, each share on social media or mention to your friends of the work that we are doing, it is you who are helping us to break the cycle of poverty through education!
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